„The tragedy of life is not that it ends so quickly but that we procrastinate to start with it” What thoughts come to your mind when you hear this sentence? Does it relate to your situation?
In my opinion waiting with life is a very serious disease among us women. We always feel ‘not ready yet’ to do what we really love.

Why is it so? Why do we believe more this inner voice in our mind which tells us what we cannot do yet and we diminish and quiet down the voice that tells us what our talents and skills are?
What can we do to stop waiting until someone comes and gives the positive verdict: „yes, you are ready”?

This is what women say about that: ‘somewhere deep I feel I have a leadership talent but I need support to enhance this feeling in me’
I believe women have natural leadership talent but they don’t develop it because of many different barriers and because very often they are not aware of them.’

Sometimes I have an impression that we constantly fight with ourselves and this inner voice which keeps saying „not yet, not now, this is not the right time!”

And the world really needs us! Everywhere! Wherever you take a look – in business, in politics, in art and culture, in science – women’s voice would be so precious especially at the very top when the most important decisions for the world are taken!

So this is this enhancement that I prepared for you so you could take your life into your hands and realize your true potential.

Encouragement no 1 – Sign contract with yourself.

Your life belongs to you. Nobody can live your life. Which means decide that you will be the author of your life. Don’t let someone else write your life scenario. So become a close friend to yourself. I’m sure you have done a lot of wonderful things for people who you love and you have given them so much support!, How would it be if you now started to support yourself the same way?

Task for you: for every day next week choose for yourself a kind of a supportive role e.g. decide today I will be a mentor for myself, I will carefully listen to my inner wisdom, your role for tomorrow? Maybe: I will be really patient with myself, I will listen to all my complaining and so on…
After a week check how your relationship with yourself has changed and how it is when you treat yourself so warmly, when you trust yourself?

And now watch this video. Do you also want a life on your conditions and to live it YOUR WAY? Listen and come back to the encouragement no 2.

Encouragement no 2– Book your time for dreaming.

Do you know that visualization is a professional method of working with sportsmen? It helps them achieve results. This is not a fairy tale but science If you don’t let yourself dream you will not go out from your comfort zone. Dream a lot and brave! What is this dream job, this position, this business that seems to be completely out of your potential? Who is the man? What is this big dream which you’re even afraid to think?

And a task for you: next week every morning find a moment to write all your thoughts that come to your mind when you ask yourself a question „what do I dream of?” Let the list grow every day. Look at it again and choose these ones of them which you would like to redefine into your life goals.
After a week check what energy you feel when you read that list.

Encouragement no 3 – Don’t wait for a driving license

Your life is not a course of how to drive a car. Nobody will tell you that you are fully ready for it. Nobody will announce a verdict that you passed the exam. Because your whole life is such an exam. You take this exam every day and only you at the end may judge how you managed. And remember: whatever has happened today, tomorrow is another day! So don’t wait until someone else will praise you, until someone else says that you are ready, until someone else gives you a voice or discovers you! They will discover you, they will be astonished by you and start to admire you just after you astonish yourself! – by your courage, your reliance and your belief in yourself!

Task for you: make a list of things that you have been postponing for a long time, things that are important for you but from which you have already resigned, and now ask yourself a question how it would be if you took a full responsibility for all the things, if you didn’t wait for any involvement or support of others, any advice, confirmation but only you would feel of charge of it?

Now plan your next steps and remember about the rule no 1 – like a true friend support yourself in the realization of the plans.

Encouragement no 4 – Feedback is about the person who is giving it.

I have already written about that but realizing this simple truth helped so much that I would like to repeat i once again. For example if my client tells me she didn’t like something in my work it means for me she is giving me information about her expectations – what kind of result she wanted from me. It doesn’t mean she is judging me as a person.

So if I made big efforts to satisfy my client but she didn’t like the result I don’t feel hopeless. I only correct the result to how the client would like it to have and I draw conclusions for future works for this client. I don’t need to punish myself by feeling negative emotions and judging myself as a bad coach or trainer.

Task for you: think about all the famous people who are authorities for you, who you admire – maybe some writers, artists, actors, then google his/her name and see how many negative opinions about this person you will be able to find? So give yourself a break with trying to be a nice person and liked by everybody!

Encouragement no 5 – Breathe

And for the end I wouldn’t be myself if I didn’t encourage you to keep contact with your body and your breathing which brings energy to your body. So you could be present here and now as much as possible. Especially whenever you feel that your energy goes down take a deep breath, and one more or maybe several ones, as many as needed, close your eyes and feel your body… Imagine your body as a big energetic field and the air as nourishing energy that supports you. Clean your mind, concentrate on the breathing and feel complete, happy and free. Then smile to yourself as you are so great, so wonderful! I am proud of you!

And I’m very interested in hearing your comments to the subject I wrote here on, share them with me below!