BLOG & TV & Podcasts
The newest findings from positive psychology, business psychology,
mindfulness and neuroscience – in a delicious bite!
Inspiring articles and videos explained on real-life examples,
as well as many practical tips how you can act and make changes!
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BLOG & TV & Podcasts
The newest findings from positive psychology, business psychology,
mindfulness and neuroscience – in a delicious bite!
Inspiring articles and videos explained on real-life examples,
as well as many practical tips how you can act and make changes! You are invited!

The basics of self-presentation
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5 truths about woman-leader according to Linkage. Women in Leadership Institute
We're sorry, but this post is only available in Polish.

Napisałam list do roku 2018 – był trudny – by się z nim rozstać w przyjaźni…
We're sorry, but this post is only available in Polish

Najważniejsze cechy kobiet sukcesu
We're sorry, but this post is only available in Polish

Lidera sen na jawie
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Co motywuje kobiety w pracy?
This post is only available in Polish

Jak pogodzić sukces osobisty z życiem zawodowym?
This post is available only in Polish

“The Beginning” Meditation – listen
An audio recording of a guided, 5-minutes meditation, which will help you begin a formal meditation practice /sitting meditation/.

“The Breathing Space” Meditation – listen
An 8-minutes long audio recording of a guided meditation especially useful when you feel agitated and unable to calm your thoughts and emotions /sitting, moving or standing meditation/.

“Body scan” – listen
A 20-minutes long audio recording of a guided meditation which will allow you to develop your mind-body relationship /lying down meditation/.