It really makes me happy to hear that there are business leaders in the world like Richard Branson who seems to demonstrate his success from a new different perspective! Now we may see that you can be a rich person and a successful entrepreneur but at the same time you are a happy human being who enjoys life in its moments, develops his business taking care at the same time of himself, his health and his relationships with people.
Additionally he seems to enjoy his work!

So far being a successful businessman associated in my mind with ok, a big money on an bank account and luxury life but at the same time with a constant stress, negative energy, being overworked, fighting to show up… and inner emptiness and loneliness.

The new business leaders like Richard Branson seem to be in possession of a special secret formula, a key to success and happiness who everybody would like to know!

And hence this post. I created it under inspiration of a book by Deepak Chopra „The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success”.

So that’s my question – do you believe in cosmic laws which regulate the phenomenon of success, which are absolute and that means if you follow them you will for sure realize your dreams? I’m very curious what your answer is. Even if you doubt the laws exist read this post and reflect how many e s it caused.

And here you are my reflections inspired by the book by Chopra.

First of all it is so important that you create your own definition of success so you could be sure you know what you want to achieve in your life. According to Deepak Chopra success means health, energy, enthusiasm for life, satisfactory relationships with people, state of wellbeing and calm in your mind. Materialistic attributes of success make our life attractive and pleasant but they are not the main component of it.

Your car, house, apartment, money, expensive clothes, positions are only symbols of your success so concentrating on them is like travelling on a map instead of setting up to a real world trip.

So the first law of success is – The Law Of Pure Potential.

In your essence you are just a pure awareness, energy of life which has unlimited potential, a field of unlimited possibilities and creativity. The more true you express yourself in your life the closer you are to the field. And you get to know your true nature in a silence. In this silence you Begin to understand that you are the creator of the world in which you live so you may create it as the most beautiful one as you want.

Task for you: every day for at least a few minutes be with yourself in silence concentrating on your breath, let your thoughts come and go. When you notice you judge yourself try to minimize it and be with yourself in a state of warm acceptance.

The second law of success – The Law Of Giving.

The universe works according to a process of a dynamic exchange – giving and taking are different aspects of the same flow of energy. You are a apart of the universe so you also participate in this exchange. Whatever you give to someone if you do this with an intension of sharing happiness it will multiplied and later will come back to you in an even bigger quantity. And you feel rich. So if you want joy, give joy, if you want love give love. If you want wealth help others to become wealthy. The easiest way to get what you want is to start to help people to get what they want.

Task for you: next time when you meet a friend make a gift to him/her, it can be even a warm smile, and remember about the proper intention of sharing happiness with this person, in the evening think about how you feel, richer or poorer?

The third law of success – The Law Of Cause and Effect

What you saw is what you reap. Sounds familiar, right? Maybe you will not like this idea but the truth is that whatever happens in your life is an effect of your decisions in the past. Some of them you have taken unconsciously and now you think you didn’t have a choice. Notice how you react if something is happening in your life – when someone offends you probably feel bad, when someone praises you feel good. But you don’t need to behave like conditioned by a stick or a carrot Pavlov’s dog. You always have a choice. Create a mental distance, you may feel happy and calm despite the external circumstances. Make conscious choices so it supports your development and inner strength.

Task for you: become a witness of your choices, observe yourself, if it’s difficult to stay so conscious when you experience emotionally difficult moments, come back to this experience later in the evening, think about that whether you could have reacted in a different way, did you have a choice?

In the second part you will read about the other laws by Deepak Chopra and you will listen to a song! Stay with me!

And I’m very interested in hearing your comments to the subject I wrote here on, share them with me below!